Centro Ecuestre EL PONTÓN
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Who we are

Miguel Ruiz Olmos
Miguel and Maria were the creators of the equine center “El Pontón”. Miguel has all the necessary knowledgement for breaking-in, training and competing with horses.

He started learning how to train horses from professionals, such as D. Manuel Vidrie, D. Javier García Romero, and specialised in Andalusian or o Español and “el Pura Sangre Lusitano”. He applies all of his knowledge to the horses and riders that he is training everyday.
Maria Velasco Cano
Both Maria and Miguel try to show the world all the good things about horses. Maria began her passion of horses when she was young, and it become her profession, working as a rider for several equine centers. Maria works closely with Miguel in all the activities that are done at the Center.

Moreover, she rides several horses from the equine centers: “El Hierro del 7” and “Yeguada San Román”

El Pontón has a lot of people working together to make the best equine center possible.

Fernando García

Isidro Ortiz

Pedro Pérez

Angel Dorado Martínez
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